How do you pronounce "realized"?
"Realized" is pronounced as "ree-uh-lahyzd."
How is the word "realized" pronounced in English?
In English, the word "realized" is pronounced as "ree-uh-lahyzd."
What is the correct pronunciation of "realized"?
The correct pronunciation of "realized" is "ree-uh-lahyzd."
Can you provide an example sentence with the word "realized"?
Certainly! Here"s an example sentence: "She realized that she had forgotten to lock the door."
How can I improve my pronunciation of "realized"?
To improve your pronunciation of "realized," practice saying the word slowly and clearly. Pay attention to the stress on the second syllable, "lahyzd." You can also listen to native English speakers pronounce the word and try to mimic their pronunciation.
Does the pronunciation of "realized" vary in different English-speaking countries?
The pronunciation of "realized" may vary slightly in different English-speaking countries, but the general pronunciation remains the same - "ree-uh-lahyzd." Some variations in accent and emphasis on certain syllables may occur, but the word is still recognizable.
Are there any common pronunciation mistakes for the word "realized"?
One common pronunciation mistake for "realized" is emphasizing the wrong syllable. Remember to stress the second syllable, "lahyzd," not the first syllable. Another mistake is mispronouncing the "z" sound at the end, which should be pronounced as a "z" sound, not an "s" sound.
Is there a similar word with a different pronunciation than "realized"?
Yes, the word "realise" (spelled with an "s" instead of a "z") is a similar word with a slightly different pronunciation. In British English, "realise" is pronounced as "ree-uh-lahyz," without the "d" sound at the end.
Can you provide a few synonyms for the word "realized"?
Certainly! Some synonyms for "realized" include: - Recognized - Understood - Grasped - Perceived - Comprehended
Is "realized" a common word in English? How often is it used?
Yes, "realized" is a common word in English and is frequently used in both spoken and written language. It is commonly used to indicate the understanding or recognition of something.
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