What is the noun form of "recognise"?
The noun form of "recognise" is "recognition".
What does "recognition" mean?
"Recognition" refers to the act of acknowledging, identifying, or accepting someone or something as valid, significant, or deserving of attention or praise.
How is "recognition" used in sentences?
1. Her hard work finally gained her the recognition she deserved.
2. The company received international recognition for its innovative products.
3. The teacher gave the student a certificate as recognition of his outstanding performance.
Can you provide some synonyms for "recognition"?
Yes, some synonyms for "recognition" include acknowledgment, appreciation, acceptance, applause, acclaim, and validation.
What are the different types of recognition?
Recognition can be of various types:
1. Personal recognition: This is when someone acknowledges or appreciates an individual"s achievements or qualities.
2. Corporate recognition: This refers to the acknowledgment and appreciation given by a company or organization to its employees for their contributions or accomplishments.
3. Social recognition: This occurs when society or a community acknowledges and honors individuals or groups for their positive impact or achievements.
4. Academic recognition: This is the acknowledgment or acceptance given by educational institutions to students for their academic achievements or excellence.
Why is recognition important?
Recognition is important because:
1. It boosts motivation and morale: When people receive recognition for their efforts, it encourages them to continue performing at their best and increases their self-confidence.
2. It fosters a positive work or social environment: Recognition creates a positive atmosphere where individuals feel valued and appreciated, leading to better teamwork, collaboration, and relationships.
3. It attracts and retains talent: Recognizing and rewarding individuals for their accomplishments can attract talented individuals to join an organization and also helps in retaining existing employees.
4. It enhances productivity and performance: When individuals feel recognized, they are more likely to be engaged and committed, leading to increased productivity and better performance.
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