What is the noun form of the verb "recognize"?
The noun form of the verb "recognize" is "recognition".
What does "recognition" mean?
"Recognition" refers to the act of identifying or acknowledging someone or something as known or familiar.
How is "recognition" used in a sentence?
Here are some examples of how "recognition" is used in sentences:
- The actress received recognition for her outstanding performance in the play.
- The company"s success was a result of the recognition of its innovative products.
- The scientist"s research gained worldwide recognition.
Is "recognition" a common noun or a proper noun?
"Recognition" is a common noun. It is not capitalized unless it is part of a proper noun or at the beginning of a sentence.
Can "recognition" be used in a plural form?
No, "recognition" is an uncountable noun and does not have a plural form. It is used to refer to the concept or act of recognizing, rather than a specific instance or instances of recognition.
What are some synonyms for "recognition"?
Some synonyms for "recognition" include: acknowledgment, identification, awareness, appreciation, and validation.
How is "recognition" related to the verb "recognize"?
The noun "recognition" is derived from the verb "recognize". It is formed by adding the suffix "-tion" to the base form of the verb. The verb "recognize" means to perceive or identify someone or something as previously known or familiar.
Example: The police officer recognized the suspect from a previous encounter.
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