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当前位置:主页 > 网站目录 > recognize副词形式_recognize的副词形式


更新时间:2024-10-28 10:10:08 人气指数:

What is the adverb form of recognize?

The adverb form of recognize is "recognizably".

How is the adverb form used in a sentence?

The adverb "recognizably" is used to describe how something is done in a way that can be recognized or identified.

Can you give an example sentence using the adverb form?

Of course! Here"s an example sentence: "The actress"s talent was recognizably evident in her outstanding performance."

What does it mean for something to be done recognizably?

When something is done recognizably, it means that it is done in a way that is easily recognizable or identifiable. It can refer to actions, characteristics, or qualities that are distinct and can be readily noticed or acknowledged.

Is "recognizably" commonly used in everyday language?

While "recognizably" may not be used as frequently as the adjective form "recognizable", it is still commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.

Can you provide another example sentence using "recognizably"?

Sure! Here"s another example: "The artist"s unique style was recognizably present in all of his paintings."

Are there any alternative adverb forms of "recognize"?

No, "recognizably" is the most commonly used and accepted adverb form of "recognize".

What is the importance of using adverbs like "recognizably" in writing or speech?

Using adverbs like "recognizably" adds depth and specificity to your writing or speech. It helps paint a clearer picture and allows others to better understand and visualize what is being described.



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